NOVEMBER 22, 2022
2023 Winners
Owais Ahmed
Commemorative Guide
Harper Grey LLP
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Sabrina A. Bandali
Bennett Jones LLP
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Sandra Desjardins
Langlois Lawyers, LLP
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Melissa Beaumont
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP
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Guillaume Boudreau-Simard
Stikeman Elliott LLP
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Annik Forristal
McMillan LLP
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Maxime Jacquin
Stikeman Elliott LLP
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Danielle Kline
Torys LLP
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Sharon Kour
Reconstruct LLP
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David Levangie
Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
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Adria Leung Lim
Aird & Berlis LLP
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Kaitlin Long
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
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Zehra Sheerazi
Torys LLP
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Laurence Ste-Marie
Woods LLP
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Dave Stern
Blaney McMurtry LLP
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Jody Sutherland
McLennan Ross LLP
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Pablo Tseng
McMillan LLP
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Jennifer Wasylyk
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
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Ashley M. White
Bennett Jones LLP
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Sarah Whitmore
Torys LLP
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Megan Mah
WeirFoulds LLP
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Christopher J. Masich
McKercher LLP
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Mohammad Ali Raza
Cox & Palmer
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Peter Riddell
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
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The Lexpert Rising Stars Awards honour leading lawyers under 40 from law firms, in-house departments, and other practices. Members of the legal profession were invited to nominate lawyers qualified in Canada who have made outstanding contributions in their careers thus far.
All shortlisted submissions were forwarded to the advisory panel comprising esteemed leaders and experts within the legal profession. The panel assessed and voted for the selection of winners, considering the following areas of accomplishment:
• Deals, cases, or files
• Community involvement
• Contribution to the legal profession & professional development
• Contribution to organizational success
• Client service strategy
• Legal profession awards/accolades
The scores of the judging panel were then tallied to determine the winners. Votes by judges from the same organization as a candidate were voided to prevent a conflict of interest.
The Lexpert Rising Stars Awards, presented by Lexpert magazine and supported by Canadian Lawyer and InHouse magazines, were revealed at an in-person gala held at the Liberty Grand on November 23, brought to you by Key Media.
Find out more
The Lexpert Rising Stars Awards honour leading lawyers under 40 from law firms, in-house departments and other practices. Members of the legal profession were invited to nominate lawyers qualified in Canada who have made outstanding contributions in their careers thus far.
All shortlisted submissions were forwarded to the advisory panel comprising esteemed leaders and experts within the legal profession. The panel assessed and voted for the selection of winners, considering the following areas of accomplishment:
• Deals, cases, or files
• Community involvement
• Contribution to the legal profession& professional development
• Contribution to organizational success
• Client service strategy
• Legal profession awards/accolades
The scores of the judging panel were then tallied to determine the winners. Votes by judges from the same organization as a candidate were voided to prevent a conflict of interest.
The Lexpert Rising Stars Awards, presented by Lexpert magazine and supported by Canadian Lawyer and InHouse magazines, were revealed at an in-person gala held at the Liberty Grand on November 23, brought to you by Key Media.
Pon is the associate director of education, organizational transformation, and accountability at the Toronto District School Board. She looked at community involvement and volunteering to help differentiate the winners.
Rising Star Laurence Ste-Marie says her most important pro-bono commitment is teaching a trial advocacy class at the Université de Montréal. Ste-Marie is a litigator focused on civil and commercial matters and a partner at Woods LLP in Montreal. She teaches the course with two fellow partners. She says she enjoys helping students develop technical skills such as examination-in-chief and cross-examination, and she also enjoys dispelling common myths about litigation.
“I was really pleased with how energizing it is to share your knowledge,” says Ste-Marie. The creativity with which students ask questions helps her develop a deeper understanding of rules litigators “tend to keep really technical and general,” she says.
Nora Osbaldeston was also a judge. She is a banking and finance lawyer and the Ontario regional managing partner at Miller Thomson LLP. Her practice focuses on acting for domestic and foreign financial institutions and corporate borrowers across many industries. She says it was also difficult to select the top candidates because they are practising in such varied environments.
“I’ve been a panellist since 2019, and there’s not been a single year when it has been easy,” says Osbaldeston. “All of the shortlisted candidates are highly accomplished.
“They are all achievers. They are at the top of their game. But what’s difficult for me is they’re not achieving in the same environment or in the same circumstances. They are achieving at big firms; we have candidates with an entrepreneurial spirit who have started their own firms. We have those who are achieving great things in-house. Some are working in the for-profit world, and some are working in the not-for-profit world.”
It was important for judges to ensure, while not necessarily comparing apples to apples, that the winning candidates represented a “diverse and broad spectrum,” she says.
What stood out to Osbaldeston about the Rising Stars was their track record as leaders outside their roles as lawyers.
“They all find time to give back. They raise their hand, be it in the workplace, or the profession, or the communities in which they work.
“They have leadership qualities,” she says. “And they have a real spirit of generosity. That’s a quality that stands out for me among winners.”
Lexpert Rising Stars honours the legal profession’s most promising professionals in the 40-and-under age range. Lawyers nominated peers from law firms, in-house departments, and other practice areas for their outstanding contributions to the legal sphere. Key Media revealed the winners on Thursday, Nov. 23, at the Liberty Grand in Toronto. The Rising Stars Awards were presented by Lexpert magazine and supported by Canadian Lawyer and InHouse magazines.
The awards’ sponsors included Event Partner Fasken, Innovation Partner Dye & Durham, and Silver Sponsors Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP, LEAP, and Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP.
“We at LEAP are thrilled to help recognize the diverse, young, and gifted talent in the legal profession who are ready to make a positive difference in the industry,” says Malcolm Muthulingum, CEO of LEAP Canada. “If I could add my own keywords to the Lexpert Rising Stars awards, they would be inspired, energized, and motivated. We see the nominees inspired by the positive impact they have on people; how they are energized by the exciting new technologies helping to shape our industry and motivated to offer the best solutions to their clients.
“At LEAP, we’re excited to be a part of the Lexpert Rising Stars Awards and are proud to be a part of their journey to success.”
Rising Star Justin Safayeni is a litigator and partner at Stockwoods LLP in Toronto. His practice focuses on administrative and public law, media/defamation law, commercial litigation, and appeals.
The notable litigation that Safayeni was involved in this year includes acting as counsel for the CBC at the Supreme Court of Canada. The case dealt with the cabinet records exemption in Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will set the exemption’s scope and determine how powerful a tool it will be for the government to prevent document disclosure. Attorney General for Ontario v. Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario was heard in April and originated with CBC’s freedom of information requests for the 23 mandate letters Ontario Premier Doug Ford sent to cabinet following the 2018 election.
Safayeni also represented seven Ontario youths in a novel constitutional challenge of the province’s greenhouse-gas-emission targets. Though unsuccessful before the application judge, the appeal will be heard next year.
Safayeni credits his inclusion as a Rising Star to the supportive platform his firm provides, being surrounded by colleagues who are “brilliant mentors and tutors,” and the opportunity he has had to sharpen his skills and develop an advocacy style and approach.
“Being recognized by your own peers is probably the best recognition that that one can receive,” says Rising Star Mohammad Ali Raza, partner in Halifax at Cox & Palmer. “They understand more of what you go through on a day-to-day basis.”
Raza does general corporate commercial, M&A, and infrastructure and development work and has a history in oil, gas, and renewable energy. He says transaction lawyers are always on the go and seldom pause to celebrate their hard work.
“It’s a pretty substantial validation of the efforts that you put in, day in and day out… It gives you more juice.”
Raza says he has been fortunate to be surrounded by a significant support system of family, partners, associates, and other colleagues. He adds that there is no substitute for hard work.
Key Media would like to thank our Event Partner, Fasken, Innovation Partner, Dye & Durham, and Silver Partners, Blakes, LEAP, and Norton Rose Fulbright, and our advisory panel, for dedicating their time.
For their work on big deals and significant litigation, for being integral to their company’s business objectives, and for the long hours devoted to serving clients and honing their craft, Lexpert’s latest batch of Rising Stars were honoured for their outstanding contributions to the legal profession.
But among so many talented, hard-working, and brilliant young lawyers, this year’s judges say they often looked to the work outside of the normal practice of law to help distinguish the winners from the rest.
“It’s probably one of the most difficult assignments,” says Leola Pon, a 2023 judge. “There are a lot of good candidates with a diverse set of experiences and accomplishments. One of the greatest challenges is then trying to find what distinguishes one from another.”
We hear from all the winners about their successes, challenges, and future plans
Celebrating the legal profession’s next generation of leaders
As global editor of Lexpert, I would like to extend the warmest congratulations to the Lexpert Rising Stars winners.
Here at Key Media, we’re proud that the Lexpert Rising Stars Awards is established as the premier independent awards event for young lawyers – and this year, we were thrilled to bring you one of our most accomplished groups in the legal profession yet.
Our winners span the country – from Newfoundland to British Columbia, St. John’s to Vancouver – and practice types – from Big Law to small firms, academics, and in-house. What brings them together is that they have all gone above and beyond the challenges of serving their clients to contribute more broadly to their community, whether through teaching, pro bono, or mentoring those entering the profession.
The diversity of winners is a sign that the profession’s future is bright, and these lawyers know that embracing change is the only way for the law to thrive. Congratulations to everyone; we look forward to seeing you lead the profession for decades.
A word from Key Media
Pon is the associate director of education, organizational transformation, and accountability at the Toronto District School Board. She looked at community involvement and volunteering to help differentiate the winners.
Rising Star Laurence Ste-Marie says her most important pro-bono commitment is teaching a trial advocacy class at the Université de Montréal. Ste-Marie is a litigator focused on civil and commercial matters and a partner at Woods LLP in Montreal. She teaches the course with two fellow partners. She says she enjoys helping students develop technical skills such as examination-in-chief and cross-examination, and she also enjoys dispelling common myths about litigation.
“I was really pleased with how energizing it is to share your knowledge,” says Ste-Marie. The creativity with which students ask questions helps her develop a deeper understanding of rules litigators “tend to keep really technical and general,” she says.
Nora Osbaldeston was also a judge. She is a banking and finance lawyer and the Ontario regional managing partner at Miller Thomson LLP. Her practice focuses on acting for domestic and foreign financial institutions and corporate borrowers across many industries. She says it was also difficult to select the top candidates because they are practising in such varied environments.
“I’ve been a panellist since 2019, and there’s not been a single year when it has been easy,” says Osbaldeston. “All of the shortlisted candidates are highly accomplished.
“They are all achievers. They are at the top of their game. But what’s difficult for me is they’re not achieving in the same environment or in the same circumstances. They are achieving at big firms; we have candidates with an entrepreneurial spirit who have started their own firms. We have those who are achieving great things in-house. Some are working in the for-profit world, and some are working in the not-for-profit world.”
It was important for judges to ensure, while not necessarily comparing apples to apples, that the winning candidates represented a “diverse and broad spectrum,” she says.
What stood out to Osbaldeston about the Rising Stars was their track record as leaders outside their roles as lawyers.
“They all find time to give back. They raise their hand, be it in the workplace, or the profession, or the communities in which they work.
“They have leadership qualities,” she says. “And they have a real spirit of generosity. That’s a quality that stands out for me among winners.”
Lexpert Rising Stars honours the legal profession’s most promising professionals in the 40-and-under age range. Lawyers nominated peers from law firms, in-house departments, and other practice areas for their outstanding contributions to the legal sphere. Key Media revealed the winners on Thursday, Nov. 23, at the Liberty Grand in Toronto. The Rising Stars Awards were presented by Lexpert magazine and supported by Canadian Lawyer and InHouse magazines.
The awards’ sponsors included Event Partner Fasken, Innovation Partner Dye & Durham, and Silver Sponsors Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP, LEAP, and Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP.
“We at LEAP are thrilled to help recognize the diverse, young, and gifted talent in the legal profession who are ready to make a positive difference in the industry,” says Malcolm Muthulingum, CEO of LEAP Canada. “If I could add my own keywords to the Lexpert Rising Stars awards, they would be inspired, energized, and motivated. We see the nominees inspired by the positive impact they have on people; how they are energized by the exciting new technologies helping to shape our industry and motivated to offer the best solutions to their clients.
“At LEAP, we’re excited to be a part of the Lexpert Rising Stars Awards and are proud to be a part of their journey to success.”
Rising Star Justin Safayeni is a litigator and partner at Stockwoods LLP in Toronto. His practice focuses on administrative and public law, media/defamation law, commercial litigation, and appeals.
The notable litigation that Safayeni was involved in this year includes acting as counsel for the CBC at the Supreme Court of Canada. The case dealt with the cabinet records exemption in Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will set the exemption’s scope and determine how powerful a tool it will be for the government to prevent document disclosure. Attorney General for Ontario v. Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario was heard in April and originated with CBC’s freedom of information requests for the 23 mandate letters Ontario Premier Doug Ford sent to cabinet following the 2018 election.
Safayeni also represented seven Ontario youths in a novel constitutional challenge of the province’s greenhouse-gas-emission targets. Though unsuccessful before the application judge, the appeal will be heard next year.
Safayeni credits his inclusion as a Rising Star to the supportive platform his firm provides, being surrounded by colleagues who are “brilliant mentors and tutors,” and the opportunity he has had to sharpen his skills and develop an advocacy style and approach.
“Being recognized by your own peers is probably the best recognition that that one can receive,” says Rising Star Mohammad Ali Raza, partner in Halifax at Cox & Palmer. “They understand more of what you go through on a day-to-day basis.”
Raza does general corporate commercial, M&A, and infrastructure and development work and has a history in oil, gas, and renewable energy. He says transaction lawyers are always on the go and seldom pause to celebrate their hard work.
“It’s a pretty substantial validation of the efforts that you put in, day in and day out… It gives you more juice.”
Raza says he has been fortunate to be surrounded by a significant support system of family, partners, associates, and other colleagues. He adds that there is no substitute for hard work.
Key Media would like to thank our Event Partner, Fasken, Innovation Partner, Dye & Durham, and Silver Partners, Blakes, LEAP, and Norton Rose Fulbright, and our advisory panel, for dedicating their time.
For their work on big deals and significant litigation, for being integral to their company’s business objectives, and for the long hours devoted to serving clients and honing their craft, Lexpert’s latest batch of Rising Stars were honoured for their outstanding contributions to the legal profession.
But among so many talented, hard-working, and brilliant young lawyers, this year’s judges say they often looked to the work outside of the normal practice of law to help distinguish the winners from the rest.
“It’s probably one of the most difficult assignments,” says Leola Pon, a 2023 judge. “There are a lot of good candidates with a diverse set of experiences and accomplishments. One of the greatest challenges is then trying to find what distinguishes one from another.”
We hear from all the winners about their successes, challenges, and future plans
Celebrating the legal profession’s next generation of leaders
Sarah Young
Beaton Burke Young LLP
View profile
Official Media
Supporting Publications
Silver Sponsors
Innovation Partner
Event Partner
2023 Sponsors
Mark Alexander
Mariam Al-Shikarchy
Arash Amouzgar
Ryan Baxter
Rami Chalabi
Chrystelle Chevalier-Gagnon
Samantha Cunliffe
Paul Daly
Sharon Ford
James Fu
Audrey Gagnon
Amaan Gangji
Annabelle Gardere
Brian Gray
Jessica Harding
Nicole Henderson
Joseph Hentz
Graham A. Hood
Asim Iqbal
Tamryn Jacobson
Zafar Jaffer
Damilola Katibi
Radha Khosla
April Kosten
David Kramer
Tyson Lamarsh
Fiona Legere
Andrea Levans
Zohar Levy
James Little
Naomi Lutes
Cherie Mah
Elizabeth McCarthy
Morgan McDonald
Pawel Mielcarek
Brendan Morrison
Nasha Nijhawan
Christopher Pigott
Zach Romano
Justin Safayeni
Laura Salvatori
Sharon Seung
Byron Shaw
Wilma Shim
Kadiatou Sow
Cee Strauss
Isaac Tang
Mark Tonkovich
Annie-Claude Trudeau
Robert Veitch
Brad Vermeersch
Delaney Vun
Allison Whelan
Bradley Wiffen
Lindsay Wong
Jim Wu
Owais Ahmed
Harper Grey LLP
View profile
Sabrina A. Bandali
Bennett Jones LLP
View profile
Melissa Beaumont
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP
View profile
Guillaume Boudreau-Simard
Stikeman Elliott LLP
View profile
Sandra Desjardins
Langlois Lawyers, LLP
View profile
Annik Forristal
McMillan LLP
View profile
Maxime Jacquin
Stikeman Elliott LLP
View profile
Danielle Kline
Torys LLP
View profile
Sharon Kour
Reconstruct LLP
View profile
David Levangie
Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
View profile
Adria Leung Lim
Aird & Berlis LLP
View profile
Kaitlin Long
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
View profile
Megan Mah
WeirFoulds LLP
View profile
Christopher J. Masich
McKercher LLP
View profile
Mohammad Ali Raza
Cox & Palmer
View profile
Peter Riddell
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
View profile
Zehra Sheerazi
Torys LLP
View profile
Laurence Ste-Marie
Woods LLP
View profile
Dave Stern
Blaney McMurtry LLP
View profile
Jody Sutherland
McLennan Ross LLP
View profile
Pablo Tseng
McMillan LLP
View profile
Jennifer Wasylyk
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
View profile
Ashley M. White
Bennett Jones LLP
View profile
Sarah Whitmore
Torys LLP
View profile
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Partner
Maneli Badii
Managing Partner
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Sarbjit Basra
General Counsel, Legal Services & Fair Practices Office
Wilfrid Laurier University
Dahlia Bateman
Managing Partner
Bereskin & Parr LLP
Stephen Beney
McLennan Ross LLP
Jennifer Biernaskie
Managing Partner
Torys LLP
Matthew W. Cockburn
Managing Partner
Torkin Manes LLP
Jeffrey Cohen
Chief Executive Officer and Partner
Cox & Palmer
George Cooper, KC
COO and Partner
McMillan LLP
John Clifford
Clyde & Co
Jo-Anne Demers
Firm Managing Partner
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Peter Feldberg
Lax O’Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
Paul Fruitman
Canada Chief Executive Officer
Dentons Canada LLP
Tim Haney
Partner and Chair – Executive Committee
McKercher LLP
Collin K. Hirschfeld, KC
Managing Partner – Canada
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
Charles Hurdon
Gillian Hnatiw & Co
Gillian Hnatiw
Managing Partner
Lenczner Slaght
Monique Jilesen
Managing Partner, Montreal Office
Stikeman Elliott LLP
Warren Katz
Managing Partner
Farris LLP
Jeffrey Jay Kay KC
Managing Partner
McInnes Cooper
Kevin J. Kiley
WeirFoulds LLP
James Kosa
Partner, Chair of Firm
Lerners LLP
Cynthia Kuehl
Goodmans LLP
Dale H. Lastman, C.M.
Chief Executive Officer, Partner, Toronto
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Dave Leonard
Toronto Office Managing Partner
DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
Vaughn MacLellan
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Bennett Jones LLP
Hugh L. MacKinnon KC
Chief Executive Officer
Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP
Steve McKersie
National Managing Partner & CEO
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
John G. Murphy
Lead Counsel
Dow Canada
Lorne O’Reilly, KC
Ontario Regional Managing Partner
Miller Thomson LLP
Nora Osbaldeston
Chair of the Board of Directors
Langlois Lawyers, LLP
Sophie Perreault
General Counsel- Executive Officer, Legal Services
Toronto District School Board
Leola Pon
Managing Partner
Lawson Lundell LLP
Clifford G. Proudfoot, KC
Senior Enforcement Counsel
Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)
Sylvia Samuel
National Managing Partner
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Bryson A. Stokes
Managing Partner
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Kristin Taylor
Managing Partner, Calgary
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Brian Thiessen, KC
Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel
Sharon Vogel
Vice President, Legal Department
TD Bank Group
Kashif Zaman
Thank you to our esteemed judges for lending their time and expertise to help recognize and celebrate excellence in the legal profession.
2023 Judging Panel
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Partner
Maneli Badii
Managing Partner
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Sarbjit Basra
General Counsel, Legal Services & Fair Practices Office
Wilfrid Laurier University
Dahlia Bateman
Managing Partner
Bereskin & Parr LLP
Stephen Beney
McLennan Ross LLP
Jennifer Biernaskie
Managing Partner
Torys LLP
Matthew W. Cockburn
Managing Partner
Torkin Manes LLP
Jeffrey Cohen
Chief Executive Officer and Partner
Cox & Palmer
George Cooper, KC
COO and Partner
McMillan LLP
John Clifford
Clyde & Co
Jo-Anne Demers
Firm Managing Partner
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Peter Feldberg
Lax O’Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
Paul Fruitman
Canada Chief Executive Officer
Dentons Canada LLP
Tim Haney
Partner and Chair – Executive Committee
McKercher LLP
Collin K. Hirschfeld, KC
Managing Partner – Canada
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
Charles Hurdon
Gillian Hnatiw & Co
Gillian Hnatiw
Managing Partner
Lenczner Slaght
Monique Jilesen
Managing Partner, Montreal Office
Stikeman Elliott LLP
Warren Katz
Managing Partner
Farris LLP
Jeffrey Jay Kay KC
Managing Partner
McInnes Cooper
Kevin J. Kiley
WeirFoulds LLP
James Kosa
Partner, Chair of Firm
Lerners LLP
Cynthia Kuehl
Goodmans LLP
Dale H. Lastman, C.M.
Chief Executive Officer, Partner, Toronto
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Dave Leonard
Toronto Office Managing Partner
DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
Vaughn MacLellan
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Bennett Jones LLP
Hugh L. MacKinnon KC
Chief Executive Officer
Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP
Steve McKersie
National Managing Partner & CEO
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
John G. Murphy
Lead Counsel
Dow Canada
Lorne O’Reilly, KC
Ontario Regional Managing Partner
Miller Thomson LLP
Nora Osbaldeston
Chair of the Board of Directors
Langlois Lawyers, LLP
Sophie Perreault
General Counsel- Executive Officer, Legal Services
Toronto District School Board
Leola Pon
Managing Partner
Lawson Lundell LLP
Clifford G. Proudfoot, KC
Senior Enforcement Counsel
Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)
Sylvia Samuel
National Managing Partner
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Bryson A. Stokes
Managing Partner
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Kristin Taylor
Managing Partner, Calgary
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Brian Thiessen, KC
Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel
Sharon Vogel
Vice President, Legal Department
TD Bank Group
Kashif Zaman
Thank you to our esteemed judges for lending their time and expertise to help recognize and celebrate excellence in the legal profession.
2023 Judging Panel
Official Media
Supporting Publications
Silver Sponsors
Innovation Partner
Event Partner
2023 Sponsors
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP is a member of Norton Rose Fulbright, a global law firm providing the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service from offices across Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa.
For more information, visit:
Silver Sponsor
LEAP is a cloud-based legal practice productivity solution that enables law firms to streamline their processes while increasing the firm’s productivity and profits. Law firms using LEAP software enjoy the benefits of a practice management system, legal accounting, document assembly and management, and legal publishing assets in one integrated solution.
For more information, visit:
Silver Sponsor
As one of Canada’s top business law firms, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP (Blakes) provides exceptional legal services to leading businesses in Canada and around the world. We focus on building long-term relationships with clients. We do this by staying true to our guiding principles and providing unparalleled client service and the highest standard of legal advice, always informed by the business context. Serving a diverse national and international client base, our integrated network of offices worldwide provides clients with access to the Firm’s full spectrum of capabilities in virtually every area of business law. Whether an issue is local or multi-jurisdictional, practice-area specific or interdisciplinary, Blakes handles transactions of all sizes and levels of complexity.
For more information, visit:
Silver Sponsor
Dye & Durham provides premier practice management solutions empowering legal professionals every day, delivers vital data insights to support critical corporate transactions and enables the essential payments infrastructure trusted by government and financial institutions.
For more information, visit
Innovation Partner
Fasken is a leading international law firm with more than 800 lawyers and ten offices on four continents. Clients rely on us for practical, innovative and cost-effective legal services.
We solve the most complex business challenges, providing exceptional value and putting clients at the centre of all we do.
For more information, visit
Event Partner
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP is a member of Norton Rose Fulbright, a global law firm providing the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service from offices across Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa.
For more information, visit:
Silver Sponsor
LEAP is a cloud-based legal practice productivity solution that enables law firms to streamline their processes while increasing the firm’s productivity and profits. Law firms using LEAP software enjoy the benefits of a practice management system, legal accounting, document assembly and management, and legal publishing assets in one integrated solution.
For more information, visit:
Silver Sponsor
As one of Canada’s top business law firms, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP (Blakes) provides exceptional legal services to leading businesses in Canada and around the world. We focus on building long-term relationships with clients. We do this by staying true to our guiding principles and providing unparalleled client service and the highest standard of legal advice, always informed by the business context. Serving a diverse national and international client base, our integrated network of offices worldwide provides clients with access to the Firm’s full spectrum of capabilities in virtually every area of business law. Whether an issue is local or multi-jurisdictional, practice-area specific or interdisciplinary, Blakes handles transactions of all sizes and levels of complexity.
For more information, visit:
Silver Sponsor
Dye & Durham provides premier practice management solutions empowering legal professionals every day, delivers vital data insights to support critical corporate transactions and enables the essential payments infrastructure trusted by government and financial institutions.
For more information, visit
Innovation Partner
Fasken is a leading international law firm with more than 800 lawyers and ten offices on four continents. Clients rely on us for practical, innovative and cost-effective legal services.
We solve the most complex business challenges, providing exceptional value and putting clients at the centre of all we do.
For more information, visit
Event Partner
Mark Alexander
Miller Thomson LLP
Mariam Al-Shikarchy
Tax Partner
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
Arash Amouzgar
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Ryan Baxter
McInnes Cooper
Rami Chalabi
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Chrystelle Chevalier-Gagnon
Partner, Industry Group Leader of our National Retail and Consumer Markets Group
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Samantha Cunliffe
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Paul Daly
University Research Chair in Administrative Law & Governance, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
University of Ottawa Law School
Sharon Ford
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
James Fu
Partner, Labour & Employment Group and Pensions and Benefits Group
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
Audrey Gagnon
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Amaan Gangji
Lawson Lundell LLP
Annabelle Gardere
Associate, Corporate
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Brian Gray
Partner, Corporate, Chair: Private Equity
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Jessica Harding
Partner, Litigation
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Nicole Henderson
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Joseph Hentz
Lerners LLP
Graham A. Hood
Smart & Biggar
Asim Iqbal
Miller Thomson LLP
Tamryn Jacobson
Goodmans LLP
Zafar Jaffer
Gowling WLG
Damilola Katibi
Senior Counsel
Vale Canada Limited
Radha Khosla
Partner, Banking & Finance
Dentons Canada LLP
April Kosten
Partner and Calgary Practice Lead, Employment & Labour
Dentons Canada LLP
David Kramer
Senior Legal Counsel
Suncor Energy Inc.
Tyson Lamarsh
Principal + Co-Lead, Indigenous Law Group
Miller Titerle + Company
Fiona Legere
Partner, Litigation Group, and Co-lead, National Pharmaceutical Group
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Andrea Levans
Senior Counsel and Team Lead
Public Prosecution Service of Canada
Zohar Levy
Orr Taylor LLP
James Little
Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP
Naomi Lutes
Greenspan Humphrey Weinstein LLP
Cherie Mah
Partner, Financial Services Group
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
Elizabeth McCarthy
Senior Vice President, Legal
Alaris Equity Partners (“Alaris”)
Morgan McDonald
DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
Pawel Mielcarek
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Brendan Morrison
Lenczner Slaght
Nasha Nijhawan
Nijhawan McMillan & Conlon Barristers
Christopher Pigott
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Zach Romano
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Justin Safayeni
Stockwoods LLP
Laura Salvatori
General Counsel
Anson Funds
Sharon Seung
Chief Legal Officer, Pizza Hut Canada & Interim Chief Legal Officer, KFC Canada
Pizza Hut Canada
Byron Shaw
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Wilma Shim
Sports Law Instructor, University of Calgary & Member of the Commission, Alberta Human Rights Commission
Kadiatou Sow
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Cee Strauss
Senior Staff Lawyer
Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)
Isaac Tang
Partner, Environmental, Municipal, Expropriation and Regulatory Group
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
Mark Tonkovich
Partner and Leader, Tax Controversy and Litigation Group
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Annie-Claude Trudeau
Partner, Litigation
BCF Business Law
Robert Veitch
Farris LLP
Brad Vermeersch
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
Delaney Vun
Fillmore Riley LLP
Bradley Wiffen
Goodmans LLP
Lindsay Wong
Gowling WLG
Jim Wu
Employment Lawyer & Litigation Practice Group Lead
Forte Workplace Law
Allison Whelan
Stewart McKelvey
Mark Alexander
Miller Thomson LLP
Mariam Al-Shikarchy
Tax Partner
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
Arash Amouzgar
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Ryan Baxter
McInnes Cooper
Rami Chalabi
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Chrystelle Chevalier-Gagnon
Partner, Industry Group Leader of our National Retail and Consumer Markets Group
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Samantha Cunliffe
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Paul Daly
University Research Chair in Administrative Law & Governance, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
University of Ottawa Law School
Sharon Ford
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
James Fu
Partner, Labour & Employment Group and Pensions and Benefits Group
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
Audrey Gagnon
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Amaan Gangji
Lawson Lundell LLP
Annabelle Gardere
Associate, Corporate
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Brian Gray
Partner, Corporate, Chair: Private Equity
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Jessica Harding
Partner, Litigation
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Nicole Henderson
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Joseph Hentz
Lerners LLP
Graham A. Hood
Smart & Biggar
Asim Iqbal
Miller Thomson LLP
Tamryn Jacobson
Goodmans LLP
Zafar Jaffer
Gowling WLG
Damilola Katibi
Senior Counsel
Vale Canada Limited
Radha Khosla
Partner, Banking & Finance
Dentons Canada LLP
April Kosten
Partner and Calgary Practice Lead, Employment & Labour
Dentons Canada LLP
David Kramer
Senior Legal Counsel
Suncor Energy Inc.
Tyson Lamarsh
Principal + Co-Lead, Indigenous Law Group
Miller Titerle + Company
Fiona Legere
Partner, Litigation Group, and Co-lead, National Pharmaceutical Group
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Andrea Levans
Senior Counsel and Team Lead
Public Prosecution Service of Canada
Zohar Levy
Orr Taylor LLP
James Little
Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP
Naomi Lutes
Greenspan Humphrey Weinstein LLP
Cherie Mah
Partner, Financial Services Group
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
Elizabeth McCarthy
Senior Vice President, Legal
Alaris Equity Partners (“Alaris”)
Morgan McDonald
DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
Pawel Mielcarek
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Brendan Morrison
Lenczner Slaght
Nasha Nijhawan
Nijhawan McMillan & Conlon Barristers
Christopher Pigott
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Zach Romano
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Justin Safayeni
Stockwoods LLP
Laura Salvatori
General Counsel
Anson Funds
Sharon Seung
Chief Legal Officer, Pizza Hut Canada & Interim Chief Legal Officer, KFC Canada
Pizza Hut Canada
Byron Shaw
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Wilma Shim
Sports Law Instructor, University of Calgary & Member of the Commission, Alberta Human Rights Commission
Kadiatou Sow
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Cee Strauss
Senior Staff Lawyer
Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)
Isaac Tang
Partner, Environmental, Municipal, Expropriation and Regulatory Group
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
Mark Tonkovich
Partner and Leader, Tax Controversy and Litigation Group
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Annie-Claude Trudeau
Partner, Litigation
BCF Business Law
Robert Veitch
Farris LLP
Brad Vermeersch
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
Delaney Vun
Fillmore Riley LLP
Allison Whelan
Stewart McKelvey
Bradley Wiffen
Goodmans LLP
Lindsay Wong
Gowling WLG
Jim Wu
Employment Lawyer & Litigation Practice Group Lead
Forte Workplace Law
Fasken is proud to be the Event Partner for the Lexpert Rising Stars Awards, celebrating Canada’s leading lawyers under 40 from law firms, in-house departments, and other practices. We join the event organizers, sponsors, and attendees, in congratulating the deserving members of the legal community recognized this evening. We applaud the outstanding contributions these Rising Stars have made in their careers thus far, and look forward to what they will achieve in the future.
As a premier law firm with over 950 lawyers worldwide, Fasken is where excellence meets expertise. We are dedicated to shaping the future our clients want, precisely when it matters most.
For more information, visit
A word from our Event Partner
Fasken is proud to be the Event Partner for the Lexpert Rising Stars Awards, celebrating Canada’s leading lawyers under 40 from law firms, in-house departments, and other practices. We join the event organizers, sponsors, and attendees, in congratulating the deserving members of the legal community recognized this evening. We applaud the outstanding contributions these Rising Stars have made in their careers thus far, and look forward to what they will achieve in the future.
As a premier law firm with over 950 lawyers worldwide, Fasken is where excellence meets expertise. We are dedicated to shaping the future our clients want, precisely when it matters most.
For more information, visit
A word from our
Event Partner